Home with red and white siding, beautiful windows with white frames, and large steep-sloped shingle roofing

When To Replace Shingle Residential Roofing In Alafaya

How To Know When To Replace Your Alafaya
Home’s Shingle Residential Roofing

Universal Roofing And Contracting Shows
The Signs Of A Failing Shingle Roof

If your home’s roof is getting up there in years, you should start to consider getting new residential roofing in Alafaya. A professional residential roofing team is the best option for many different reasons.

A lot of homes in Central Florida are a bit on the older side. And sometimes, the weather isn’t so kind to homes like these. Your home may have been through dozens and dozens of tough, rampaging storms and strong winds.

And while it may have gotten you this far, it could just be one storm away from utter failure. This is why Universal Roofing and Contracting believes it’s important to know the signs of a failing shingle roof and when to replace it.

We’ll take you through some tell-tale signs and symptoms that are screaming at you to have your shingle roof replaced.

How Long Do Shingle Roofs In Alafaya Typically Last?

Shingle roofing is one of the most popular materials in Alafaya. And for good reason. It’s highly affordable, energy efficient, and can match virtually any home’s exterior style.

But before we get into what necessitates a shingle roof replacement, it’s important to understand how long they last. Typically, a well-maintained and well-installed shingle roof will last up to 30 years. But this is for areas with mild weather.

The weather in Central Florida can be quite hazardous at times. This can severely detract from the lifespan of a shingle roof, especially one that hasn’t been maintained well.

If your home’s roof has been beaten and battered by wild weather, its lifespan may be closer to 15-20 years.

How Can I Tell If My Alafaya Home’s
Shingle Roof Is Failing?

When judging when to have your residential roof replaced, it’s important to understand the signs of a failing shingle roof. Oftentimes, roofing problems can go unnoticed for months or even years.

This doesn’t mean that they pose no hazard to your home – far from it.

The longer a problem goes unnoticed, the more harm it can do. While some issues are obvious, like constant roof leaks, light coming through your attic roof, or torn-up missing shingles, others aren’t so easy to spot.

Granule loss, moss growth, and damaged flashing are all quite hard to spot to the untrained eye. But theycan easily cause your roof’s performance to tank if not fixed quickly.

Luckily, a professional inspection is one of the easiest ways to know if your roof is failing. Universal Roofing and Contracting recommends having your roof inspected yearly at a minimum. However, further inspections can be warranted if your home has gone through some bad storms recently.

What Can I Do To Help My Home’s
Residential Roofing Last Longer?

One common question we get asked is: how do you make a shingle roof last longer? Thankfully, Universal Roofing and Contracting has been around for a while. And we have many secrets to share to help get the most out of your shingle roof.

One of the first tips we recommend is inspecting your roof regularly. Far too often, homeowners in Alafaya will only inspect their roofs after they notice damage. But if you want to extend your roof’s lifespan, this just isn’t enough.

On top of regular inspections, keeping your roof and gutters clean and clear from debris is another way to increase your roof’s lifespan. This helps prevent moisture accumulation and added weight from stressing your shingle roof.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the best way to make sure your shingle residential roofing lasts a long time is to pick the right roofer for the installation.

The lowest bidder may seem like the best option for your wallet, but they’re hardly the best choice for quality. To get the most out of your shingle roof, find an honest, reputable residential roofing contractor. That way, you know the installation is top-notch.

Need A Reputable Residential Roofing Team In Alafaya?
Call Universal Roofing And Contracting To Get A Quote

If you’ve been looking for a team for your residential roofing in Alafaya, Universal Roofing and Contracting is here to help. For many years, homeowners in Central Florida have come to us with all of their residential roofing needs.

And we rarely seem to disappoint. From us, you can expect high-quality installs, excellent customer service, and best-in-the-industry products and materials.

If we seem like the team for you, please contact us directly at 407-214-4872 to learn more or visit our site to get a free quote for your residential roofing in Alafaya.